MK1 Cortina Owners Club
The name will be "MK1 CORTINA OWNERS CLUB"
- The main objectives of the club are:
- To be a non-profit making organisation and to exclusively promote and support the MK1 Cortina
- Provide members with information ideas in general and more particularly with regard to MK1 Cortinas
- To facilitate wherever possible social functions
- To provide a bi-monthly newsletter, whereby information etc can be gathered and supplied.
- To provide a club website for the use of further promotion of the club and its services and for e-commerce activities of the club.
- To organise an annual show / rally in order that members can gather together as a club
- To provide spare parts and or remanufacture spare parts where possible with the main focus being MOT type items to facilitate keeping the cars roadworthy
- To provide technical information and support where possible
Promotion of the club is to be encouraged and it is hoped that meetings with other clubs and to join other functions such as local club gatherings etc can be arranged where members can get to know each other better.ELIGIBILITY FOR MEMBERSHIP AND ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION
- Any person owning or particularly interested in MK1 Cortinas.
- The committee being formed shall reserve the right in acceptance to decline any application for membership.
- The committee will remove members whose subscription is two months in arrears.
- Subscription fees will be decided by the committee and charged on an annual basis, that annual membership being for a 12 month calendar period from the date of joining.
- If any member commits any grave breach of these rules or whose conduct in any respect is thought detrimental to the club and its members then that member by agreed consensus
of the committee may be expelled from the club. Poor conduct may include but not exclusively so; foul language, abuse and threatening behaviour, inflammatory or degrading remarks or the incitement of others.
- Any member who's conduct is in question will firstly be suspended pending the next sitting of the committee whereby that grievance will be discussed and any action if required will be agreed and the member will then be informed unless that member is requested to attend the meeting in person.
- Committee meetings will be held at intervals throughout the year by mutual agreement and have the following basis:
- To discuss & report on the activities of the club
- An agenda is to be issued and minutes of those meetings taken and published where possible
- Discuss club members comments, which must be supplied 2 weeks prior to the meeting
- Committee meeting will be advertised in the appropriate magazine prior to the meeting taking place to allow members to submit questions or comments that can then be discussed.
Members should endeavour to abide by the rules and accept any decision which has been made by the committee.
The committee may decide any question of interpretation of the rules or anything relative to the club not provided for herein and may take whatever action it deems necessary which is not inconsistent with these rules.
The club will abide by the data protection act and will not deliberately pass on any personal information about you or your car(s) to any other members unless you indicate that you have no objection in doing so. Information held by the club can be used by indicated officers of the club for contact purposes in conjunction with normal practises of the running of the club. The club cannot accept liability if details form part of an article forwarded to the club for possible publication. Although every attempt will be made to ensure accuracy, views and opinions expressed in either the magazine or on the website are those of the individual writer and not necessarily those of the editor / coordinator or committee and the club cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of such articles. Information to third parties (insurers etc) will unconditionally not be shared or distributed.
Alteration to the rules may only be done by agreement of the committee or by the agreement at an extraordinary meeting of the membership in the event of the committee being unavailable or the committee being dissolved.
An annual statement of accounts will be published in the newsletter at the earliest opportunity from when they are available
The club may be dissolved by agreement at an extraordinary general meeting convened by direction of the committee or at the behest of the majority of members in the event of the committee being unavailable or the committee itself being dissolved.
If a resolution of dissolution be carried the committee shall liquidate forthwith the affairs of the club and if there be any surplus assets on realisation these shall be disposed of according to the direction of the committee.
Should the assets of the club be insufficient to meet any debts, the members of the club shall be jointly and severally liable for payment of such debts.
All goods or services provided by the MK1 Cortina Owners Club must be paid for in advance of receiving them
Sale of spares other than club spares is prohibited on club display stands, other than at the National Rally. Spares provided by the MK1 Cortina Owners Club can only be provided to members with a valid annual membership.
The sale of spares purchased from the club is prohibited, any member who purchases spares to re-sell will be excluded.
Any part purchased from the club can be returned un-used for a refund. Returned items must have a copy of the purchase invoice with the part.
In the event of a grievance to be discussed by the committee this should be put in writing to the Club Chairman not less than one month before the next committee meeting and the person or persons concerned may be required to attend a meeting to discuss the issue.
The committee shall meet regularly during the year at pre-arranged time/venue. An opportunity for an open members meeting will be provided upon request.
- Members of the committee shall remain elected unless they either
- Resign from the position
- A member proposes a particular committee member to stand down.
In these circumstances, a proposer and seconder should be provided and a decision taken by members of the committee.
NOISE CONTROL AND BEHAVIOUR (National Rally and Shows)
For the convenience of others no loud music or revving engines is to be allowed within either the camping or display area between the hours of midnight and 7am and loud noise is general is to be curtailed where possible to avoid the disturbance of others using the site. The committee has the right to ban any persons from any event if their behaviour is found to be detrimental to the rules applicable to the event.
Decisions made by the committee will be by a simple majority.